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Benefits of folic acid for hair .. Does a deficiency of folic acid cause hair loss?

 The benefits of folic acid for hair are diverse, and folic acid is another name for vitamin B9, which the body needs daily, and the following paragraphs explain the most important benefits of folic acid for hair, the way it is used, and its importance for pregnant and non-pregnant women, and talks about the complications of its deficiency, and an explanation of the relationship between its deficiency in the body and hair loss. And the risks of taking an extra dose of it.

Benefits of folic acid for hair

Regular consumption of folate or folic acid facilitates tissue growth and allows cells to function better, and unimpeded tissue growth is necessary for healthy skin, nails, and hair. Among the benefits provided by folic acid to hair are the following: [1]

It helps in the metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, and helps in the absorption of various nutrients inside the body, thus the hair follicles receive the required nutrition from the foods consumed.

Synthesis of DNA nucleotides and amino acids, which nourish the follicles and add luster and density to the hair.

Producing more red blood cells, and maintaining hair color.

Since folic acid speeds up cell division, it can help promote hair growth.

How to use folic acid for hair

Folic acid may not help hair growth on its own. So it is better to use it with other recipes, such as biotin, which promotes hair growth, improves the quality of hair and nails, and treats alopecia (baldness), but it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking any vitamin supplements.

Folic acid is also used with zinc for hair growth, especially if the loss is due to zinc deficiency. Before taking zinc supplements, it can be obtained from eggs, nuts, spinach, chickpeas, and sweet potatoes. If its levels do not improve, zinc supplements can be taken after consulting a doctor. [1]

Does folic acid deficiency cause hair loss?

Hair growth can increase or decrease throughout life, and as a person gets older, growth slows down little by little, due to reduced metabolism, hormonal changes, and changes in hair follicles responsible for producing new hair, but in fact, healthy hair depends on nutrition, and the more The diet is full of vitamins the more the hair improves.

When folic acid (vitamin B9) is taken regularly as recommended, it enhances the general health of hair, such as density and luster, and many cases of alopecia and baldness were recorded, which were mainly caused by a deficiency of folic acid, and recommended daily dose is 400 micrograms, and it should not be obtained More than this amount because it will not work. [2]

What are the benefits of folic acid for non-pregnant women?

Folic acid is a synthetic form of natural vitamin B9 and helps produce and maintain new cells, by [3]

Red blood cell formation.

Create new DNA.

Preventing birth defects of the spinal cord and brain, which are referred to as neural tube defects; That is why it is recommended during pregnancy.

Folic acid should be obtained daily. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin and is not stored in the body, folic acid is recommended for non-pregnant women; Because it offers the following benefits:

Autism prevention.

Protection against type 2 diabetes.

Prevention of rheumatism.

Vitamin B9 deficiency causes depression, allergies, anemia, and low bone density.

Folic acid deficiency affects memory and brain function.

Disadvantages of folic acid for hair

As with all B vitamins, folate plays a key role in energy production and cellular metabolism in the body, but excessive intake can be counterproductive, leaving the skin dry and damaged, and excess can eventually lead to more acne; So it is best to get it from its natural sources, and it is found in leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, some meat, white bread, cereals, soybeans, and peas. [4]

The previous paragraphs talked about the benefits of folic acid for hair. In fact, research showing its usefulness for new hair growth is limited, but its deficiency causes baldness or alopecia areata, and it can be obtained from its natural sources such as leafy vegetables or nuts, and nutritional supplements can be taken, provided that they do not exceed 400 micrograms.
