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How sweetness works to remove hair from sensitive areas

 How sweetness works to remove hair from sensitive areas is interested in knowing every woman and girl who is keen on personal hygiene and body care, and hair growth in sensitive areas in women or on the arms and legs is usual, and hair can be removed from these areas in more than one way such as using an electric machine or blades Shaving, but Halawa is one of the best and easiest ways to remove hair, and in the contents of the site we learn how Halawa with lemon and Halawa with salt work to remove hair.

How sweetness works to remove hair from sensitive areas

Here we learn how sweetness works to remove hair from sensitive areas:

the ingredients

The ingredients for making halwa at home are found in every home. Here are the ingredients:

A cup of fine white sugar.

Half a fresh lemon.

A small spoon of salt.

A quarter cup of water.

How to prepare sweetness to remove hair from sensitive areas

Preparing sweets at home is very quick and easy, and here is how to prepare sweets for the sensitive area:

Prepare a suitable container and then put a little water in it with the amount of sugar.

Raise the pot over the fire and stir continuously, then add salt and lemon juice to the pot.

Keep stirring until the color of the ingredients begins to change to brown.

Put a little water in a flat dish and then pour the sweetness from the singing after removing it from the fire and spreading it in the dish until it cools.

Wet the palms with water, put the sweetness between the fingers, and continue to rub well, without the sweetness sticking to the hand because of the water, pelleting it and re-rolling it several times.

Continue to knead the sweetness until its color begins to change to become light; Then it is ready to be used on the sensitive area and for hair removal.

How sweetness works to remove hair with salt

Salt and its use in making the sweetness for hair removal help make the sweetness firmer and more sticky to the body. And then it achieves speed and ease of getting rid of hair, whether on sensitive areas or from the arms, legs, and face, and we learn below how sweetness works to remove hair with salt:

the ingredients

Here are the ingredients required to make the sweetness of salt hair removal at home:

  • Half a cup of rose water.
  • Eight tablespoons of fine table salt.
  • Half a cup of sugar.
  • Eight tablespoons of coconut oil.

How to prepare Halawa with salt for hair removal

Halawa can be prepared to remove the hair from the sensitive area of ​​the body easily, which is what we explain in the following:

Prepare a suitable bowl, and then mix the sugar, rose water, salt, and coconut oil, stirring constantly until the ingredients are homogeneous.

Raise the pot over the heat and stir the ingredients over medium heat for ten minutes.

Take the mixture off the stove and leave it to cool.

Take out the sweetness from the bowl and rub it with your hand while it is warm before it cools completely so that it becomes easier and softer to spread on the skin.

Put the sweetness on the area to be removed from the hair and straighten it well; And then leave it for half a minute.

Quickly remove the sweetness from the place and repeat the process in more than one place.

How to make halwa with lemon and sugar

Sugar is the most important component in making sweetness, and it is responsible for making sweetness more sticky, and at the same time helping to make it softer on the skin, and lemon helps clean and cleanse the skin of fungi and germs. Here we learn how sweetness works with sugar and lemon:

the ingredients

We present the following ingredients required to make Halawa with lemon and sugar to remove hair from sensitive areas:

  • cup of granulated sugar.
  • A small spoon of salt.
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Five tablespoons of water.

How to prepare halwa with sugar and lemon

Halawa can be easily prepared with sugar and lemon to clean sensitive areas of the hair, and we learn about that method as follows:

Pour sugar and water into a suitable container and stir.

Raise the pot over the fire and stir the ingredients over low heat.

Add salt and lemon juice and continue stirring until boiling.

Leave the mixture on the fire until its color changes to light brown.

Put two drops of oil on the kitchen counter; Then pour the hot sweetness over it and leave it for two minutes until it cools.

Rub the sweetness between the fingers for ten minutes until the sweetness becomes softer and more consistent; then spread it on the skin and remove hair from sensitive areas.

How to make sweetness for hair removal without lemon

Sometimes the skin of a woman or a girl may be sensitive skin that cannot bear lemon juice and causes her skin irritation and a feeling of itching and itching, and sweetness can be made to remove hair without adding lemon in the recipe, as follows:

the ingredients

In the following, we learn about the components of sweetness without lemon to remove hair from the sensitive area:

  • A cup of white sugar.
  • Half a cup of water.
  • Half a teaspoon of fine table salt.
  • Two teaspoons of white vinegar.
  • Five drops of coconut oil or any essential oil.

How to prepare sweetness for hair removal without lemon

In the following steps, we learn how to prepare sweetness for quick and easy hair removal:

In a suitable bowl, mix sugar, water, and white vinegar and mix well.

Raise the pot over low heat and continue to stir.

Leave the mixture on the fire for five minutes and continue to stir until the consistency of the mixture begins to cohesion and becomes denser.

Reduce the heat so that the mixture does not burn.

Remove the pot from the fire and add the essential oil while it is hot.

Prepare a suitable tray, sprinkle a little water on it, and then pour the sweetness over the tray.

Using the spoon, sweetness is formed while it is hot in the form of a ball; And then wait for a minute until it becomes warm.

Rather, the hands should be watered, and the sweetness should be taken in the palm of the hand, and rubbed and kneaded several times until the sweetness becomes softer, softer, and able to be spread.

How to make Halawa remove hair with vinegar

Vinegar and because of its acidic components helps cleanse different areas of the skin and works to kill fungi and germs, especially those that multiply on sensitive areas. The work of sweetness to remove hair with vinegar:

the ingredients

The ingredients that can be made with vinegar for hair removal are the following:

  • a cup of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of water.
  • Two teaspoons of white vinegar.
  • A small spoon of salt.

How to prepare sweetness for hair removal with vinegar

Below we learn in detail how to prepare sweetness to remove hair from sensitive areas:

Put sugar, salt, water, and vinegar in a suitable container; then raise it on low heat and stir constantly.

Leave the pot on the stove for ten minutes until the mixture changes color to light yellow or brown and becomes thicker in texture.

Lower the bowl and let it sit for a minute until it is warm and not completely cold.

Put the sweetness between your hands, knead it, and then roll it out several times for five minutes.

Apply the sweetness to the area with a lot of hair and carefully straighten it before removing it once quickly.

After the hair removal session is completed, a little soothing oil or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

How to remove hair from the sensitive area without pain

Many women may suffer from pain when removing hair from the sensitive area using sweetness, and to relieve pain when removing hair, the following can be followed: [2]

Putting ice cubes on the place before removing the hair from it, helps in numbing the place and relieving the pain when removing the hair.

Putting a little clove oil before removing hair with sweetness, works to numb the nerves of the skin and hair and helps to ease hair removal from its place with less pain.

Use a bath of warm water and sit in it for a quarter of an hour before proceeding to hair removal, as the warm water helps soften the skin and facilitate the removal of hair follicles.

Toothpaste, which is spread on the place before hair removal, helps reduce pain when getting rid of hair.

Make a mixture consisting of a piece of beer yeast, three tablespoons of sugar, and a glass of water, and mix the ingredients well; then spread it on the place a few minutes before removing the hair, which reduces the feeling of pain.

Tips when removing hair with sweetness from the sensitive area

There are several tips that it is important to follow before removing hair with sweetness from the sensitive area. We learn about them as follows: [3]

Cut long hair with scissors before removing it with sweetness, so that the feeling of pain does not double when removing the hair from its place.

Not removing hair from the sensitive area during the menstrual cycle, or a day or two before its start, when the area is more sensitive to pain.

Wash the place with soap and water and remove dirt from it before proceeding to hair removal.

Individual the sweetness on the place where the hair is to be removed in the same direction as the hair growth, and when removing the sweetness from the place, it is better to be opposite the direction of hair growth

Thus, we have learned how sweetness works to remove hair from sensitive areas, and we learned how sweetness works with lemon, sugar, and sweetness without lemon, and the most important ways in which the pain of hair removal with sweetness can be alleviated.
