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How to dye hair at home and routine for dyed hair

 The method of dyeing hair at home depends on many women instead of going to beauty salons and paying exorbitant amounts. Dyeing hair constantly is something that many women will like, but they are afraid of harmful chemicals used by beauty salons, so we have compiled the best ways to dye hair at home, whether using materials Natural or ready-made hair dyes.

hair dye tools

Before getting to know the method of dyeing hair at home, it is necessary to mention the necessary tools for dyeing, which are:

Hair clips: There are many shapes that you can choose from according to your desire, and their function is to hold the hair well after applying the dye.

Timer: It is used to set the timing of the dye and the time to wash the hair after applying the dye.

Plastic cap: It is used to cover the hair while applying the dye, but you can dispense it with it and use a cotton towel or any plastic cap available at home.

Wide-toothed comb: This comb is used to straighten the hair before applying the dye to it.

Wide brush: The brush is used to distribute the dye on the hair.

Plastic cap: used to protect the hair in the first days of dyeing.

Alcohol: It is used to remove stains resulting from dye, whether on clothes, floors, or leather.

Old towels: Use to quickly clean up any stains that fall on the floor.

Old bowl and spoon: It is advisable to have an old bowl and spoon for mixing the dye ingredients.

Plastic gloves: They are used to protect the hands from the color of the dye.

Plastic tweezers: used to divide the hair into sections, thus facilitating the distribution of the dye.

How to dye hair at home Ash blond

Dyeing hair in gray-blond color is one of the colors that have spread in the recent period, but you must choose the appropriate shade of gray for your skin tone to finally get a perfect color. The ingredients needed for the dye are as follows:

Shampoo and conditioner.

A box of naturally blonde hair dye.

Two packs of gray blond hair dye.

plastic cover.

Wide-toothed wooden comb.

plastic gloves.

a brush.

A small amount of Vaseline.

Hair band.

A piece of cotton cloth.

An old mixing bowl.

Preparation steps

To prepare gray blond hair dye at home, follow these steps:

You should wear old clothes so that your clothes do not get stains from the dye.

Bring the container designated for the dye, and then start mixing the natural blonde and gray hair dye until the ingredients are homogeneous and mixed.

Use the wooden comb to comb and detangle the hair.

Divide the hair into 4 sections, fixing each section with a hair tie.

Put a quantity of Vaseline on the face, behind the ears, and the neck so that the dye does not stick to the skin when it falls.

Put on plastic gloves and start spreading the dye over the hair strands from top to bottom a few times.

After you have finished applying the dye to all parts of the hair, wear the plastic cap and leave it for 40 minutes, taking care to watch the color at least every 15 minutes.

After obtaining the desired color, wash the hair well with lukewarm water to get rid of the remnants of the dye, then use a medical shampoo for dyed hair, then apply the conditioner to moisturize the hair.


Before starting to put the dye on the hair, it is preferable to put a small amount of hair on a small part of the hair to see the color and the time it takes for the dye to obtain the desired color.

Stay away from the scalp while applying the dye so as not to get an infection.

Do not wash blonde-dyed hair for at least two days.

How to dye hair at home Garnier

Garnier hair dye is one of the most famous types of dyes around the world, and it is characterized by its new and bold colors to suit all tastes, and now here is the easiest way to mix Garnier dye as follows:

  • If you have long or thick hair, empty the entire contents of the dye into an old bowl. If you have short hair, you can only use half the amount of dye.
  • Stir the dye with a wooden spoon or brush.
  • Apply the dye to dry, not wet hair after wearing plastic gloves.
  • Distribute the dye on the hair from the roots to the ends.
  • Cover the hair with a plastic bag so that it does not interact with the components of the dye.
  • Leave the dye on the hair for 30 minutes.
  • Wash the hair using lukewarm water and then apply the appropriate shampoo and conditioner to moisturize the hair.

Dye hair at the home light brown

The light brown color is one of the most attractive colors, so ladies accept it, and brown is one of the colors suitable for all skin colors, as it is possible to obtain gradation in colors, and the following is the method of dyeing hair light brown with henna, which extends its effect for long periods, and the necessary components for it are the following:

Half a cup of natural henna without any additives.

A quarter cup of coconut milk.

3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Preparation steps

Henna is a safe natural material for hair, unlike ready-made hair dyes. Here are the steps for preparing henna hair dye to get a light brown color:

Bring a plastic bowl and mix the previous ingredients well to get an almost cohesive dough.

Leave the paste for 24 hours.

Divide the hair into two parts and apply henna all over the hair.

Cover the hair with a plastic cap and leave the dye on the hair for 5 hours.

Wash hair with water and shampoo.

How to dye hair red

Red is a bold color, so women with strong and bold personalities prefer it, and it suits most people with white skin, and the red color can be obtained in two ways as follows:


chemical dyes.

Dyeing hair red with henna

Hair can be dyed red using hibiscus natural materials and the method of use is as follows:

Mix boiled hibiscus with olive oil and then apply the mixture to the hair for not less than 3 hours, then wash the tenth with water, and it is preferable to repeat the above 3 times a week for two months to ensure the stability of the red color in the hair.

Dyeing hair red with commercial dye

You can resort to commercial dyes if you want a faster result, and the ingredients needed for it are the following:

old bowl.

a brush.

Red dye.

plastic gloves.

3 tablespoons of Vaseline.

An appropriate amount of Vaseline.

Preparation steps

To prepare red hair dye with commercial dye, follow these steps:

Choose the right dye color as there are different shades of red.

Bring the container to empty the contents of the formula, then add the oxygen.

Apply Vaseline on the face, neck, and around the ears before applying the dye to the hair.

Divide the hair into sections, then apply the dye from top to bottom using an applicator brush.

Cover the hair with nylon or plastic bags.

Leave the dye for an hour, then wash the hair with water and shampoo.

Colored hair care routine

Dyed hair always needs special care to protect it from damage and dryness. Here are the most important tips for hair care after dyeing:

Use cold water: It is preferable to use cold water when washing dyed hair to maintain the natural moisture in the hair for as long as possible.

Attention to hair moisturizing: After dyeing hair, it needs deep moisturizing, whether by using creams or a mask, and one of the best ways to moisturize hair naturally is oiled such as (coconut oil - olive oil - argan oil).

Detangling Hair: Dyed hair often gets tangled even after combing, so you should use detangling tools gently so as not to rip.

Changing the hair dye: It is preferable not to rely on a specific type of dye so as not to affect the health of your hair negatively.

Trim the ends of the hair regularly: To get the perfect appearance of the hair, the ends of the hair should be trimmed at least every 3 months.

Thus, we have come to the end of our article after we learned how to dye hair at home using ready-made hair dyes such as Garnier or natural materials, in addition to mentioning the most important tips for hair care after dyeing.
