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Rubber hair treatment .. Factors and causes of hair damage and bombing

 What are the methods of treating rubber hair? Among the questions that many people have, the problem of rubber hair or damaged hair affects many people, especially women, and in this article, the question will be answered, and the definition of rubber hair will be addressed, as well as talking about the causes of hair damage.

hair damage

The concept of hair damage goes beyond the presence of split ends, where it can worsen, and in turn lead to cracks in the outer layer of the scalp, and when this layer is left cracked; It is subjected to more damage and hardness, and thus the hair after that appears curly, dull and difficult to comb, and it should be noted that the damage to the hair is permanent, due to the formation of dead cells, which cannot be repaired after the aggravation of the damage, where the means of treatment center on cutting the damaged hair , and taking measures Preventive To prevent hair damage from occurring again, most treatment methods are based on restoring the health of the outer layer of the skin, which is called the cuticle.

Elastic hair treatment

Rubber hair is defined as damaged hair, which usually results from the frequent use of chemical dyes and other materials that make the hair choppy and elastic, which causes a lot of inconvenience to girls because of the appearance and texture of their hair, and it should be noted that hair damage can be assessed by pulling a tuft of hair To the maximum length, and if it is easy to cut or break, this means that the hair does not contain enough moisture, and the most prominent ways to treat rubber hair are the following:

Change your hair care style

This step is one of the beneficial steps for hair health, and it is better than using products that contain chemicals that cause damage to the hair, and the damage caused by heat drying, and therefore it is recommended to use air drying and then use hair care products, and after a period of time the results begin to appear. , such as restoring moisture and strengthening the hair follicles, and it should be noted that there are some hair care products from shampoos and hair conditioners specialized in repairing hair that is exposed to chlorine if the person is swimming . Where these types of products work on equalizing the electrical charge of the hair, which in turn reduces wrinkles and tangles in the hair, as well as its use increases the hair's gloss, clarity and softness, and this makes it amenable to the process of styling better.

Lifestyle change

This procedure is one of the pillars of treating damaged hair, where stress and stress are classified as one of the causes that lead to hair damage, so specialists recommend taking a break and relaxing, and to achieve improvement results, specialists advise changing the person’s diet, so that the strength and resistance of hair to damage depends in turn. Moreover, this is done by increasing the intake of foods containing protein, omega-3, iron, biotin, and zinc. [3]

Experts also recommend washing the hair when the scalp is oily and day after day, which ieduces the exposure to chemicals in the shampoo,. Itsoptimal use is by applying it to the scalp, allowing it to flow during the washing process to the rest of the hair. [2]

Use humidifiers and protect the weather

Some moisturizers coat the hair and make it more supple, and in fact, the required moisturizing must penetrate the inner layers of the scalp, which is why specialists recommend using oil-containing products such as argan oil and olive oil, or those containing glycerin, shea butter, and sorbitol, as well. It is advised to avoid products that contain petrolatum and mineral oils because they only moisturize the outer hair, and it is worth noting that the weather in turn affects all types of hair, so exposure to cold air and the sun leads to dry hair, and the same applies to salt water and chlorine, so It is recommended to use a hair conditioner and shampoo suitable for dry hair, and in addition, it is recommended to wear a protective device when the weather outside is not suitable for the health of hair. [2]

Factors and causes of hair damage

Among the main reasons that lead to rubbery hair and hair damage are the following:

Raising the hair constantly in the form of a ponytail, as this procedure causes pressure on the tightened area, and over time it can cause breakage and damage to the hair, especially if the hair is wet, so it is recommended to use rubber hair bands, and change the place of lifting the hair as a ponytail, This is so that the place is not always the same under pressure. [4]

Wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, and combing it with a brush may cause damage to it,. Forthat, it is recommended to use a wide-toothed comb when showering before washing the conditioner to avoid breaking it, and this is by using the tangle-free butterfly to comb the hair, which has good teeth. and flexible. [4]

Starting the process of combing the hair from the roots leads to the formation of tangles and knots in the hair, so combing should start from the ends of the hair gradually.

Using the same electric hair dryer for many years, as these devices over time increase their heat, which leads to drying the hair more, which leads to splitting and breaking. [4]

Use of chemical treatments and hair dyes. [4]

Weather fluctuations, exposure to dust, heat, and high humidity. [5]

Excessive swimming in water that contains salt or chlorine. [5]

Continuously wear hair extensions or wear heavy extensions, wear them for a long time, and dignorethe cleanliness of the scalp. [5]

Finally, in this article, the question was answered about what are the methods of treating rubber hair, and also addressed the definition of rubber hair, and talked about the causes of hair damage.
