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Natural recipe for puffing cheeks and lips

Certainly, when we age, we all want to turn back time to return to full cheeks and healthy and youthful lips, so in this article, we present a natural recipe for plumping cheeks and lips and nutritional tips that ensure that the skin remains in the best condition.

Natural recipe for blushing cheeks

Eat nuts of all kinds, as they contain healthy fats that increase the size of the cheeks.

Glycerin and rose water recipe, by mixing ½ teaspoon or 2.5 ml of rose water with 1 teaspoon or 4.9 ml of undiluted glycerin and put this mixture in the refrigerator, and massage the cheeks with it every day directly before bed and rinse in the morning, and after attending On this recipe for a week, you will notice an increase in the size of the cheeks.

Massage the cheeks area immediately after showering with a mixture of 2 cups of shea butter with a cup and a half of granulated sugar for 5 minutes, then leave it on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water, as shea butter contains phenols and tocopherols, all of which are elements for plumping the cheeks.

Put some vegetable oils on the cheeks, such as coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and olive oil, because they give hydration and freshness to the skin and increase the volume of the cheeks.

Regularly massage the cheeks to raise your skin and stimulate blood circulation, with circular movements with your fingertips around the cheek area, focusing on the cheekbones and the cheek cavity, provided that these movements are up and out because pulling the skin down increases its sagging.

Milk and honey recipe, Mix a teaspoon of milk with 4 tablespoons of honey, and mix them until you get a paste that is easy to spread on the cheeks leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse with water, and repeat once a week, as this recipe works to lock the moisture inside the skin and provides Milk the proteins and fats needed to plump the cheeks.

Eat a spoonful of olive oil daily to provide the body with healthy fats that make it appear full and healthy. Try to incorporate olive oil into your daily dishes and salads, and within 15 days you will notice the difference.

Drinking a lot of milk causes the cheeks to swell because it is rich in proteins, amino acids, calcium, and fats. It can also be applied externally to the cheek area to be absorbed by the skin and increase its volume. [1]

Secondly, inflate the lips

Avoid unhealthy practices that harm the health of your lips, including reducing their size, such as smoking, as it causes a change in the color of the lips, the appearance of wrinkles and cracks, and licking the lips, as this causes the spread of acid saliva on them and the removal of natural oils from them, which reduces their size.

Eat foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and rice so that you can inflate the lips, because they give the body the energy it needs, as when it is unable to find that energy in food, it burns the fat in the layers under the skin and thus reduces the size of the cheeks and lips.

Drink more water Especially if you live in hot areas and sweat more, a 150-pound woman should drink approximately 75 ounces (about 2,200 milliliters) of water each day.

Massage a mixture of almond oil and coconut oil on the lips daily. [2]

Therefore, we advise you, if you are looking for a natural recipe to inflate the cheeks and lips, to make sure first that you follow a healthy diet rich in carbohydrates and healthy fats, which is reflected in the appearance of the skin in general and the cheeks and lips in particular because malnutrition will inevitably affect their appearance even if you use the most expensive products and many recipes.
