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How to remove henna from the hand

 The method of removing henna from the hand, many women use henna to decorate their hand and feet, especially on holidays and occasions, and it is also used on the hair to change its color. In this article, we will learn how to remove henna from the hand in easy steps.

How to remove henna from the hand

Use soap and warm water

Soap is the main material that helps you remove henna from the hand. You need to use soap and warm water to apply this method and follow the following steps:

Put a little soap on your hands, and gently scrub off the henna.

Get a sponge and then rub the henna area with your hand.

Rinse the hand with lukewarm water.

Make sure to do this method three times a day so that the henna disappears completely.

Use lemon juice

Lemon consists of natural properties that have great effectiveness in removing stains, which helps my lady to remove henna tattoos from her hand. To use lemon juice, follow these steps:

Cut a lemon in half.

Rub half a lemon on the henna area.

Keep massaging the lemon on the hands for three minutes.

Remove lemon juice from the hand with lukewarm water.

Apply an appropriate moisturizer to prevent dry hands.

Use of salt water

Salt is famous for its great ability to remove impurities and stains from the skin. It also has a role in removing henna tattoos from the hands. To use salt water, follow these steps:

Add some water to a bowl.

Add about three tablespoons of salt to the water.

Stir the mixture until the salt dissolves in the water.

Put your hands in the solution for ten minutes.

Rinse your hands well with water, and use a special moisturizer to prevent drying.

Using baking soda

Baking soda is a great way to get rid of henna tattoos, as it gives you the best results in a short period. To use baking soda to remove the henna, follow these steps:

Add one lemon juice to five tablespoons of baking soda.

Mix the mixture, until you get a thick paste.

Apply the paste to the henna area for 15 minutes.

Rinse your hands with lukewarm water.

See also: How to knead henna for the hand in red or burgundy color, and the feet in a dark brown color

How to remove henna from nails

Many women prefer to draw henna on the nails or color it, but it is known that the stay of henna on the nails for a long time caused their breakage, so many women are looking for the most prominent ways to help remove henna from the nails, we will present some simple ways to remove henna from the nails, which does not require much time and effort, namely: [2]

Use olive oil and salt

You can mix olive oil and salt together to remove henna from the nails, which is one of the easiest and simplest ways. To apply it, mix two tablespoons of salt and olive oil in a bowl, then use a cotton swab and gently massage the solution on your nails.

Using lemon and baking soda

Lemon and baking soda are effective materials that have antiseptic properties, so they can be used to remove henna by putting the juice of one lemon in a bowl and adding a tablespoon of baking soda, then mix them well and dip a cotton swab in the solution and put it on the nails for two hours, then Rinse your hands with soap and water, and apply the appropriate moisturizer.

Use of toothpaste

Toothpaste is not only used for cleaning teeth, but it contains very good antiseptic properties that help remove henna stains from your nails, and to use it, madam, put a teaspoon of toothpaste on your nails for 15 minutes until the toothpaste dries completely, then massage Fingertips with your nails to remove the henna.

 How to remove henna inscriptions

Many women tend to use henna as a cosmetic option, but the color of the henna may fade over time; Which makes women look for the most effective ways to help them remove henna drawings at home, and this is what we will talk about in the following points: [3]

Sugar and Coconut Scrub: Sugar and coconut are one of the famous ways to help remove henna tattoos, by mixing melted coconut oil with raw cane sugar, then massaging the mixture into the affected area using a towel.

Baking soda and lemon juice: Mixing lemon juice and baking soda lead to a chemical reaction that can remove henna tattoos from the body. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and lemon juice and apply them on the tattoo. Leave it for ten minutes, then rinse it with warm water and then apply a moisturizer. Repeat this The method is once a day to give you the desired result.

Baby oil: Baby oil is famous for its effectiveness in removing henna patterns from the skin. Massage the henna area with baby oil and leave it for twenty minutes, then rinse it with cold water.

Hair conditioner: Hair conditioner is famous for its ability to remove henna tattoos from the body. Apply a layer of conditioner to the henna tattoo and let it absorb before rinsing it off with warm water.

Warm milk: Warm milk can be used to remove henna and tattoos. Warm the milk, then use a cloth and immerse it in milk, then put it on the henna area for half an hour before rinsing it off with water.

How to remove henna from hair

Some women want to change their hair color with henna. Henna is one of the dyes that cannot be easily removed from the hair, and the woman must wait until her hair grows to wipe the ends of the dyed hair, so we will present in this article some good ways that can be applied at home to pull The color of henna from the hair, which is as follows: [4]

Baking soda and Epsom salt: To use this method, mix one tablespoon each of Epsom salt and baking soda and a cup of water in a bowl. Mix the solution and apply it to your hair for twenty minutes before shampooing.

Baking soda and vinegar: To use this method, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with half a cup of water, one tablespoon of vinegar, and six drops of essential oils. Apply it to the hair for ten minutes and then wash it with shampoo.

Baking soda and vitamin C: Mix two tablespoons of shampoo, one tablespoon of baking soda, and ten vitamin C tablets, and apply the solution to your hair for an hour, then wash it well with water (repeat this method for three consecutive days).

In conclusion, we finished our article after we talked about the method of removing henna from the hand in easy and simple steps. We also learned how to remove henna from hair and nails, and we also presented the method of removing henna tattoos from the body.

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